
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

NYSE is America's largest stock exchange. The New York Stock Exchange, which is among the most important stock exchanges in the world, also hosts the shares of many major US companies.


A U.S.-based electronic exchange, focusing on technology and internet-related companies. Shares of giant technology companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Tesla are traded here.

AMEX (American Stock Exchange)
AMEX, one of America's major stock exchanges, focuses especially on small and medium-sized companies. The exchange, which was acquired by the NYSE in 2008, still hosts shares of many energy, healthcare and technology companies. AMEX is also known as an exchange that often trades derivative products such as options and ETFs.

London Stock Exchange - LSE

The London Stock Exchange is an important player in the world financial market. LSE is located in London, the capital of the United Kingdom, hosts shares of many British and international companies wide range of sectors.

LSE, which hosts important indices such as the FTSE 100 index, is an indicator of the health of the British economy. Shares of companies operating in sectors such as finance, energy, telecommunications and retail are traded here.

Deutsche Börse –XETRA (FSE)

Deutsche Börse – Xetra has an importance stock exchange on international area that hosts the shares of many companies in Germany and around the world. Deutsche Börse is Germany's largest stock exchange operator, and Xetra is Deutsche Börse's electronic trading platform. 


Euronext, one of the largest stock exchanges in Europe, covers European countries such as France, Netherlands, Belgium and Portugal. It also includes important centers such as Paris Stock Exchange and Amsterdam Stock Exchange.

Hong Kong Exchange (HKEX)

Located in Hong Kong, the financial center of Asia, the stock exchange hosts the shares of many Chinese and international companies.

Toronto Stock Exchange - TSX

Canada's largest stock exchange, lists shares of many companies from various sectors such as energy, finance, technology and mining. It also serves as a major trading hub for mining and energy companies around the world.
The TSX is considered an important indicator of the health of the Canadian economy. Due to the country's economy based on energy resources, shares of companies in the energy sector are of great importance.
You can also obtain information about the Canadian economy and global market trends and diversify your investment portfolios by monitoring the performance of companies traded on the TSX.

Equity Example For International Stock Markets:

Hisse Adı

Microsoft Corp

Hisse Adı

Microsoft Corp

Buy Amount


Sell Amount


Buy Price

365 USD

Sell Price

375 USD

Nominal Value

7300 USD

Nominal Value

7500 USD

Commission Ratio


Commission Ratio


Buy Commission Amount

21,9 USD

Sell Commission Amount

22,5 USD

Booked Cash Amount

7321,9 USD

Booked Cash Amount

7477,5 USD


155,6 USD 


Commission amounts vary depending on the exchanges. Click for detailed information about commission amounts and additional costs

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